Life after 18 + is challenger not like before,the beginning movement of 18 + life is highly important to any one who desires to achieve great high in his or her everything that you want to achieve great high in your life can be grasped from this blog.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
What make you rich
if you are a person who doesn t like to be rich.please stop reading this and find out another article you may prefer otherwise this may waste your valuable time.but comrade, you are a person who keenly follow some formula which may be wold famous one or customized once to you to be rich this article will give some valuble and essentials pills to your success.
let me give few minutes to explain this clearly while using some practice which can be seen in real life.if you want to be a rich guy definitly you should be a banker as well as you should be doesnt mean to be either banker or essence you want to be both bakner and gamler.
once says "what the hell you are talking? how i become banker while being gambler."it seems it difficult but that really means you not to be that type of person or going into that type of career.but to think like that. lets discuss about this matter in detail
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Running with time while working
nice day, so i think we can spent entire day for whatever thing we want to or had to do..however things don't happen well or as we expected before definitely time will fly adding another same emptiness into our life.the best and the most efficiency way to go hand with hand with time is running with time while doing valuable thing.running with time out of action is equal to dead.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Essential antidote for your success
as many people say that success in not a mere destination which is long journey that you take to greatness of life.let's forget that old but gold definition for a movement but it is not meant that i reject it.I think success is balloon.when you blow balloon which is being enlarged little by little.generally that we know when balloon being filled with gas which may be burst at a movement.but balloon called success is not destroyed how much of gas you blow into it what only happen is it is becoming larger and like that when you achieved something in your life.don't think " Now i am happy because i am success"..wait wait friend you have more potential to blow balloon then it will become larger than now.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
නයෙක් තවත් නයෙකුට දුන් ඔවදන
නයෙක් තවත් නයෙකුට දුන් ඔවදන
සබද ඉද හිට හෝ
පුප්පන්න පෙණය
සිතයි නුඹත්
කහ ගැරඩියෙක් කියා
කැලුම් වැලිගම
Thursday, July 12, 2012
life after school
mdif,ka miq cSú;h
ld,h cSú;fha wu;l fkdjk u;l igyka /ila b;srs lrk iqúfYaIsu ld,hla'mdi,a ld,fha
oS hful= lrk lshk foa wkqj Tyqf.a wkd.;h ;srKh l< yel'fndfydaúg mdif,aoS
olaI;d olajk YsIHhl= iudchg jeo.;a hula fok wfhl= njg wkd.;fha oS m;aúh yelshs'tal
tfyu fkdfjkak;a mq¿jka'mdi,a iufhaoS olaI;d olajk osma;su;a YsIH YsIHdjka
mdif,ka bj;a jq iekska úkdYjk wjia:do Tn wms ´ke ;rï oel we;'flfia fj;;a
mdif,ka miq cSú;h álla fkfjhs f.dvla fjkia'mdi,a cSú;fha jir 13 ;=<u ,nkakg
ners w;aoelSï iy mdvï /ila mdif,ka bj;aù jirla we;=<; ,nd.kak mq¿jka fjkjd'
miq cSú;h f.ù hkafka mdi,a ld,h f.ù.sh wdldrfha bì .uklska fkdfõ'mdi,a ld,h
wjik hfula Wiia wOHdmkh ,nkak iriúhg we;=¿ jqK;a"/lshdjlg
.sh;a"lsis;a fkdlr fj,d isáh;a Tyq fyda weh wh;ajkafka mdif,ka miq
cSú;h .; lrkakkaf.a fldgighs'tf,i mdif,ka miq cSú;h .; lrkafkl=g mdif,ka miq
cSú;h id¾:l;ajhg f.k hdug jeo.;a lreKq ;=kla fuu ,smsfhka uu wkdjrKh
lrkjd'we;a;gu fïl uu fm!oa.,slj úYajdi lrk fohla'tal ksid fïu ,smsh uu
w;a¥gqjhs i;a;hs .Khg wka;¾.; lrkak leu;shs'
ld,fha ryi f;arï .kak
fudloao fï lf,fha ryi lshkafka@ ld,h
lshkafka tla osYdjlg muKla .uka lrk kej; fkdtk hdkhla'tal ksid oeka Tn bkafka
ld,h lshk hkdj we;=f<a'Tn k;r jqK;a ld,h k;r fjkafka keye'ld,fha jákdlu
f;areï .kak'Tn ld,h .; lrk wldrhg Tfí jákdlu f;areï.; yelsnj wjfndaO lr.kak'mdif,ka
miq cSú;h mgka.kak úgu fndfyda fofkla ld,fha ryi wu;l lrkjd'Tjqkag oefkkjd ld,h
k;rfj,d n,df.k bkakjd jf.a ixld iy.; ye.sula'keye ld,h k;r ù ke;'k;r ú we;af;a
tfia ys;k mqoa.,hd ñi ld,h fkfjhs'u;l ;shd.kak ld,fha jákdlu iy Tfí jákdlu w;r
;sfhkafka wkqf,dau ino;djhla'hfula ld,fha w.h jvd;a jeämqr f;areï .kak m%udKhg
wkqrEmj Tyqf.a w.h jeäfõ'tuksid Tnf.a ñks;a;=jl w.h ksrka;frka jeä lr.kak'
mdif,ka miqj ld,h jákdlu f;areï wrf.k
lsishï lghq;a;l kshef,kak'j¾;udkfha ;reK ;reKshkag wjia:d nyq,hs'f;dr;=re ,efnk
uq,dY% o b;d wêlhs'tuksid iEuúgu Tng ke;s foa ljod fyda ,efnk ;=re n,d bkafka
ke;sj oekg Tn i;=j mj;sk oE j,ska jev.kak'Tnf.a yelshdjg .e,fmk l=uk fyda
wOHdmk lghq;a;l kshf,kak mgka.kak'ukao h;a mdif,ka miq csú;h Yla;su;a lrk moku
jkafka úêu;aj fyda wúêu;aj ,nk wOHdmkhh's
ryi f;areï .kak
i;=fÜ ryi ;srKh jkafka cSú;fha
jevlghq;= w;r iunr;dj;a" cSú;h foi hful= n,k udkh;a wkqjhs'i;=fÜ ryig hk
udj; jeá we;af;a csú;fha iunr;djh u;hs'talg fn!oaO o¾YKfha lshkafka uOHu
m%;smodj lsh,h'sTn hulg wka;.dñ kï Tn w;ska i;=fÜ ryi weia mkdmsgu .s,sfykq we;'cSú;fha
i;=g jeälr.kak Tn leu;s foaj,a leue;af;aka lrkak'tfiau ;reK jhfia isgu ,enq
cSú;hg cSú;hg ia;+;s lrñka cSú;h f.jkak'túg mdi,a iufha oS iuk<fhl= fia ,enq
ieye,a¨j wksjd¾fhkau mdif,ka miqj;a ,efí'
mdif,ka miq cSú;h f.jk úg j.lSï álla
lrg wrka ;uhs ld,h .; lrkak fjkfka' fudlo túg hfula ;j¥rg;a <ufhla fkdfjhs"
jeäysáfhla'<ud ld,fha yo m;=f,kau úomq i;=g ;reK jhfios ke;s lr.kak tmd'wruqKq
ch .eksu ;=<ska i;=g ,eìh yelshehs oeäj úYajdi lrkak'tfiau cSú;h foi;a
f,dalh foi;a mrsK;j n,kak mqre¥ fjkak'úYsIag fndlaIsx Y+rfhl= jq fudfyduä w,s
fï .ek ,iaik l;djla lsõjd'ta ;uhs —flfkla jhi 50 os f,dalh olskafka Tyq Bg jir
30 fmr f,dalh oelal wldrhg kï Tyq jir 30 kdia;s lr,d˜ tal ksid AL lrmq udkisl;ajfhka 18+ Life tl .;lrkak
ienEùfï ryi jgyd.kak
mdi,a ld,fha os ;rï ysk ljodj;a olskak
,efnka ke;sfjhs'tfiau mdi,a ld,fha olsk isyskj,g isudjla udhsula o ke;'kuq;a
mdif,ka miq cSú;fha oS isysk olska mqoa.,hka ue,snjla olajkjd'ta;a mdif,ka miq
cSú;fha isysk ienElr.kak myiqhs hfula tu isysk yUd .sfhd;a'ckm%sh ,;ska
wfursldkq f,aLlfhla jk mjqf,da fldys´ isysk .ek wmqre l;djla
lsõjd'tkï"—hfula ;udf.a isysk ch.kak tä;r jkafka kï Tyqg iuia: úYajhu iyh
fjhs˜' Apple,Odel,HP,Dell,Microsoft,FaceBook,Dell
ta isoaOdf,am" kjf,dal" DSI,
lshkafk;a ;reK jhfia os yUdkak tä;r jq isysk ñi wka lsisjla fkdfõ'
le¨ï je,s.u
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Sarungalayak Gilanawa
irex.,hla .s,dkjනිදහස්
mdg mdg lvodis n|
brS úisrS weo l=oj"
osrd hk uy .yl
mqxÑ w;= lene,a,l
oeä ù¾hfhka t,a,S
irex.,hla .s,dkj
iq<Õ iuÕ wr.,fhka
ñ;=re irex.,a o mrhñka
wyia l=i ism.kak
bÕsf,kd od tod
oekqqfkau keoao
kQ,a fnda,hl ÿr
kQUg we;s j.
úod,ñka ffjj¾K mshdm;a
iÕjñka ìh /,s i,d
kqyqre kqmqreÿ wyia .fÕa
mdfjkd od tod"
T,ajr ika foñka
osrs ÿkak ok kï
wo;a wyig
fkal irex.,a hjkjd'''
wyia uvq,af,a irk
l=re,af,l= fj;g
fk;a fhdudf.k
osrd hk uy .yl
mqxÑ w;= lene,a,l
oeä ú¾hfhka t,a,S
irex.,hla .s,dkj
le¿ï je,s.u
Tha Departure
iuq.kakg iriúfhka
keye is; fokafka
iriúfha u;l w;r
ud ;ks fjkafka
le,Ks wyi
uu kqUf.ka
wo iuq.kafka'''
mskajka; uqyqK l¿ lrf.k
yvd jefgkafka
le,Ks .Õ;a W;=rkakg
l¥¿ i,kafka'''
le,Ks wyi kdvka kqU
.fï u;l yksl wrka
uu wdfh;a fld<Ug
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